Our courses focus on procedural and defect analysis in the construction industry.

Our continuing education for professional engineers focuses on building techniques paired with root cause failure analysis to aid in the understanding of failure modes. Our goal is to diversify your business offerings and help you be one step ahead of trends,

Seminar and Online course offerings from Gregory Enterprises are developed annually based on code updates, building trends, and licensee feedback.

Seminar & Online Course Offerings for Professional Engineers

Our course offerings are designed for the professional engineer currently specializing or seeking to specialize in providing construction defect engineering services through real-world forensics analysis and case-studies.

This course provides an insight to one of the fastest growing engineering consulting businesses in the United States, Construction Defect Analysis. Serving as an introduction into Construction Defect Engineering, this course is a walk-through an actual home evaluation from roof to foundation.

In addition to learning engineering techniques, this course examines how to add this service to your existing engineering firm.

The purpose of this course is to apply our learned techniques to an engineering evaluation of a completed new home before it has been occupied. This course was developed to serve as a walk-through of common construction defect analyses, with a focus on Brick Veneer and Foundation Evaluation.

Let us keep you up to date on the newest trends in defect analysis and construction defects.

This purpose of this course is to provide the technical background needed to understand the behavior and failure modes for foundations of residential and light commercial structures. The goal of the course is to provide engineers with the ability to understand, identify, and evaluate structural damage caused by soil failure and how to distinguish it from other modes of failure.

We present step by step approaches on how to evaluate, determine, and specify repairs for foundations under distress.

This purpose of this course is to provide a technical background to understand and identify wood deterioration from insects and moisture related fungi. We will provide you with the ability to understand, identify, and evaluate structural damage caused by insects and wood destroying fungi.

Learn to recognize, identify, and evaluate wood damage from insects or wood fungi.

Education Schedule for Professional Engineers

Date and Time:

24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week


Online through our E-Learning Portal